Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming Blog: Why We Didn't Film

Starting on the weekend from February 15 and 16, our group had the opportunity to record most of our scenes for the film. More specifically, our group planned on recording the scenes of our film that took place in a parking lot. But, a few minor setbacks came to the surface as the weekend slowly approached. For the upcoming weekend, our school had a Monday off since it was a national holiday and our group wanted to take advantage of the extra long weekend. However when the weekend finally arrived, most of our cast members were too busy to come and start recording. My sister and I both play a major role in the film along with another actor whose friends with Rejoice, a fellow group member. So, it was vital for both me, my sister and the actor named Jakari to be in the location of the time of filming. However, no one could make it to film during the extra long weekend. Me and my sister both didn't have anyone to drop us off at the ideal location and couldn't come to start filming. Additionally, the day of our group's original filming session came way too soon for any of us to be fully prepared. Instead, our group rescheduled to start filming on Saturday, February 22nd. By slightly postponing the day of filming, it would allow for each group member to prepare everything that will be needed. For instance, all the props that will be used for the film will be organized, the costumes for the film will be set up, and the script will be written down for each actor to have. Since our group will have a whole week to prepare, all the materials will be gathered that is necessary for the film. Each actor that plays a role in the film will be provided with a script that would be rewritten neatly. Each prop used for the film will be brought for the movie. Overall, originally our group was set on filming the scenes of our movie during the weekend of February 15. Our group wanted to first record the scenes that took place in a parking lot since the majority of our movie takes place in that particular area. But, life took a different approach and not a single person could make it to film.  Hopefully this weekend coming up, every group member and actor could meet up at the exact location and start the filming process.

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